Thursday 21 May 2009

Buttons & Bows - Update

I actually took Buttons & Bows out for a spin on the weekend. it needs lining! It;s too flimsy as it is and my keys kept popping out the side. Something else to learn I guess!

Saturday 16 May 2009

Bag Number 2: Buttons & Bows (Finished!)

Finally finished 'Buttons & Bows' from 'The Knitters Bible - Knitted Bags'. Took me longer to sew together than knit - and the knitting took ages!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Bag Number 6: Felted Clutch

This bag was done a while ago, but I couldn't think of how to finish it off...until I found these pretty fabric covered badges in paperchase. Beautiful!

Bag Number 5: Sherren's Felted Purse

This bag was made for a felted purse swap on Ravelry. It was my first swap and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially when I had a lovely email back saying how much she liked it.